Jeep Safari Side

Opis wycieczki:

Are you tired of days in the hotel? Do you want some flow of emotions? Amazing Side Jeep Safari will bring you up to the new world of colorful and bright emotions.

Capacious 14-seater jeeps will take you from the hotel doorstep. You will ride up the Taurus tops through the amazing mountain roads. Here you can experience the wonderful nature and traditional life of the locals.
You have a unique opportunity to enjoy the wonderful views of Side, protected forest, green lakes, dam and also to visit Turkish village. The mosque will be on our route – the guide will tell you an interesting facts about religion.
Only by leaving the tourist zone and seeing the ordinary life of local people can you really get to know the country. Really learn about their way of life, culture and customs. Be sure you will like it!
Afterwards you will have lunch in the picturesque river. The greenery and the mountain river create a pleasant coolness, which is so much desirable in these hot summer days. Moreover, you can swim in the river or just relax and enjoy the views around in your free time during the tour. Isn’t this the best way to spend time in nature?

Za kierownicą zasiądzie profesjonalny i doświadczony kierowca, dlatego wycieczka będzie całkowicie bezpieczna i nie będzie stanowić żadnego zagrożenia dla Twojego zdrowia ani życia. 

⚡️Book Side Jeep Safari Tour now – pay for it in the bus on the day of your trip!

Adult                                   25 EUR

Dzieci 6-11 lat        15 EUR

Dzieci 0-5 lat         0 EUR 

Orientacyjna godzina odbioru: 9:00

Czas trwania: 7 godzin

Dostępne dni: codziennie

Obsługa w języku angielskim, niemieckim, rosyjskim

Zarezerwuj teraz:

Cena wycieczki obejmuje:

  • Transfer jeepem z hotelu i z powrotem
  • Trip on the 12-seater jeeps according to the route with all the stops and visiting 
  • Obiad


Dodatkowo płatne:

  • Napoje

  • Foto/wideo, opcjonalnie

Zalecamy zabrać ze sobą:

  • Fotokamera

  • Strój kąpielowy

  • Ręcznik

  • Nakrycie głowy

  • Krem przeciwsłoneczny i okulary przeciwsłoneczne

  • Wygodne buty

  • Woda

  • Pieniądze na pamiątki

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