Pływanie z Delfinami w Alanyi
Opis wycieczki:
Swimming with dolphins is the best way to get acquainted with these wonderful creatures and also to receive incredible positive feelings and emotions.
We offer you 30 minutes of a direct contact with dolphins in the pool. Both children and adults will be fascinated of it!
Experienced instructors prepared a special program for you: acquaintance with the dolphin, kiss and dance with it and, of course, riding on the dolphin in the pool.
10 Fascinating Dolphin Facts:
- Dolphins are one of the world’s most intelligent animals. They can recognize themselves in a mirror, and call each other unique names.
- Dolphins communicate with one another in a the main ways: whistles, echolocation, and social communication.
There are nearly 40 different species of dolphins in the world. Each of them has their own unique appearance, habitats and behaviours.
The Amazon River is home to dolphins, also known as the pink river dolphin or boto. They live only in fresh water!
- Dolphins are highly social animals. They primarily live in groups, hunt and even play together.
- Like all mammals, dolphins need to come to the surface of the water to breathe. Land mammals breathe and eat through their mouths, while dolphins have separate holes for each task. They eat through the mouths and breathe through their blowholes.
- Dolphins range in size from 1.7 to 9.4 meters long and weigh between 50 kilograms to 10 tonnes, depending on the species.
- Dolphins can dive up to 274 meters.
- Dolphins have two stomachs – one for storing food and another one for digestion.
- Dolphins don’t drink water – they get it from the food they eat.
Book your seats now – pay for it in the bus on the day of your trip!
Cena wycieczki obejmuje:
30 minutes of swimming with the dolphin in a small group (max. 7 people)
Dodatkowo płatne:
Shuttle service – 10$
Photo with the dolphin and seals
Zalecamy zabrać ze sobą:
Money for personal expenses (photo with the dolphins and souvenirs)